BREATHE IN CHILL OUT2022-09-05T12:12:57-04:00

You can’t panic and meditate… panic will always win…

Learn to Hack Your Nervous System Using Just Your Breath Instead!

This mini-course (Breathe In Chill Out™️) will teach you how to chill out and de-stress using fast, simple & easy breathing exercises you can use anywhere anytime!

Price $99

Does this sound like you?

You cant seem to escape the stress! You live a fast paced life with a million things on your plate. It seems like evert time you resolve one issue, another one comes up.

Your brain won’t stop over-thinking

➖You get easily overwhelmed

➖You never seem to have enough time

You continuously take on too much

You find it hard to get out of your own head

You have a difficult time focusing

What if I told you there was a sustainable solution that fit into your stressful life…

I created this mini-course because I wanted to help busy, burned out people who feel like they are carrying the weight of the world find relief in the moment wherever they are.

If you want to learn to relieve stress and reduce your anxiety in only minutes a day buy now!

This program will teach you simple easy to learn breathing exercises that take only minutes, so that you can get reliable and repeatable results, anywhere anytime.

This mini-course is right for you if:

  • You want to cut out the chaos, clutter and fatigue
  • You want to be more calm and productive
  • You want to take back control in your life
  • You want to stop stress in its tracks before it gets out of control
  • You want to get all of this using a natural technique

Imagine you had a structured easy-to-implement solution that gave you immediate relief from stress & anxiety with reliable results.

Imagine you could learn the ability to trigger a calming response in your body at will to allow you to feel more at ease in any situation.

Let’s make those possibilities become realities! This can quickly happen for you with Breath In Chill Out.

For Only $99!

About Me

Hi, I’m Andrea! I’m a Yoga Alliance registered yoga instructor and a certified breath coach. I help overworked busy people recover from physical and mental stress and avoid burnout using evidence-based yoga, breathwork, and meditation techniques.

I know the struggle of trying to manage my stress throughout the day then coming home and barely having enough energy to make dinner, let alone do the million other things on my to-do list. At these points in my life, I found myself coming back to yoga and meditation over and over again. I added in regular breathwork to my practice and I had finally found the key!

Yoga, meditation and breathwork for me are the special sauce on the big mac of my life. I don’t know how I would manage without these practices.

My goal is to teach others to find stress relief techniques they can fit into their busy lives.

What you get when you purchase Breathe In Chill Out™️:


Do I need to be experienced with breathwork to complete this course?2022-02-08T16:03:26-05:00

No. No experience is necessary, these practices are accessible to everyone.

What’s the difference between breathwork and meditation?2022-02-08T16:07:56-05:00

Breathwork is much easier to learn. Meditation can be frustrating and slow to learn, the methods of breathwork you will learn in this course are very accessible, and you’ll feel results right from the beginning.

Is Breathwork safe?2022-02-08T16:07:36-05:00

Yes, breathing is safe and healthy. Remember breathwork practices should never be done while in water. These are dry land only practices.

Isn’t breathwork just new age, woowoo, mumbo jumbo?2022-02-08T16:08:42-05:00

No breathwork is based on well researched proven principles and has been shown to produce reliable repeatable results.

I’ve tried using breathwork before but I wasn’t able to maintain a consistent practice. Will I have the same issue this time?2022-02-08T16:11:37-05:00

No. I provide tools to help you cement your practice into a habit

How does breathwork work?2022-02-08T16:12:19-05:00

By changing our breath rate we can tap into the parts of our body that are automatically controlled and begin to naturally gain control over these processes.

What’s your refund policy?2022-12-11T15:02:43-05:00

Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.

How does this work?

Who is this course for?

You're Short On Time With a Full Schedule
You're Short On Time With a Full Schedule
You have a lot on your plate, and you have to keep moving through your buys day. You don’t have time to stop and smell the roses!
You Have a Million Things on Your Mind
You Have a Million Things on Your Mind
You’re juggling everything! You have too many thoughts racing through your brain to sit and meditate. You need a no brainer solution.
You Have No Idea How or Where to Start
You Have No Idea How or Where to Start
You’ve never tried breathwork before, and all the information out there is overwhelming. You just need somethign quick and easy.

This course is for anyone who feels like they’re carrying the weight of the world and they need a quick tool that will produce immediate results.

Imagine where you could be one week from now…

➖ You have a calm, quiet, and relaxed mind

➖ You have the tools to take control of your external stressors

➖ You feel healthy, revitalized, and reinvigorated…

If you want to relieve your stress and reduce your anxiety in only minutes buy now!

Now is the time to take action!

Get It For $99!

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