Simha Pranayama: Master Lion’s Breath to Release Tension Now!
Lion’s breath, lions breath yoga breathing, or Simha Panayama is a yoga breathing technique that relieves built-up tension and stress. Lion’s breath not only helps stretch out facial muscles but also relaxes tense muscles throughout the body and improves blood flow. It’s a powerful and energizing breathing exercise that will also help to calm the mind.
Lion’s Breath Benefits
One of the most basic benefits of Lion’s Breath is releasing stress from the jaw, neck, face, and shoulders. If you have a tendency to clench your jaw in stressful moments or end up with a sore neck and shoulders at the end of the day, practicing Simha Pranayama breathing exercise can help you to release this tension and relax your muscles. For best results use Simha Pranayama throughout the day to release tension before it builds and creates chronic tension.
While Simha Pranayama relieves stress and tension it isn’t a tranquilizing breathing technique. Lions breath pranayama releases tension while leaving you feeling recharged and energized after you finish your practice. It’s also a very warming practice that increases your internal body temperature. Both of these benefits make it a perfect practice to warm up before physical exercises.
Studies have shown that lions breath can be helpful in treating symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd). Participants improved their overall lung function, lung capacity, and improved their ability to exercise.
Simha pranayama is also the type of breathing exercise that is also good for singers because it stimulates your diaphragm and vocal cords, helping singers to warm up and making it easier to sing.
Lion Pose or Simhasana
In yoga lion’s breath is traditionally practiced while in Lion pose or Simhasana, hints the name Sinha Pranayama. There are several commonly accepted variations of lion pose.
Here’s how to do the most accessible form of Simhasana. From a kneeling position open the knees wide and push the hips back on top of the heels. Place the palms on the floor below the chest and rotate the hands outward fingers pointing toward the feet.
Lion Pose Modifications
Always be careful if you’ve had a knee injury when sitting in a bent leg position. For tips on modifying yoga poses to work with sensitive knees check out this article by Yoga International for 10 Knee-Friendly Pose Modifications.
If Simhasana isn’t a comfortable posture for you, don’t worry. You can choose to modify this yoga pose and practice simha pranayam